Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Look I did math today!!!

1 vent iced coffe + 1 Lgr Rockstar energy drink = 1 very caffeinated Mavi!!!!! okay so mathmatically it dosnt work out but it's still true non the less! For thoes of you who new me in my younger years or even have seen me ammped up like this before you would all agree! Yeah so Ive been ampped up since about... ohhhhh.... 10:00am this morning!!! I worked out for and hour and still have all the energy in the world!!So if youe exahusted soory I took your energy... I'm going to crash sooooo hard later tonite! It will prolly be right in the middle of bible study! Ha... not so funny... anywho!!!! Okay then Im gonna go do nothing now... Yes only and hour and a half then im free!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Back in the Saddle again...

Okay so Ive been back from my trip for a while now, but I'm just now starting to feel more normalized... if that's even a word! I'm back into the swing of things. It's nice to have constants in your life. Mine is the constant search for that perfect job. I haven't found it yet but I'm fervently looking. I'm good at so many things but I'm without certificates or degree's that so many would like or even require. SO I search fro the second on my list or the entry level so that maybe just maybe through years of climbing that corporate ladder I can reach the top... HA yea right. I know that's how they say it works but really people are going to hire who they know or like before who's best for the job. Most people already have an idea of who they want or who they think will best suit them. I understand wanting the best person for the job, but not giving others a chance because you have already pre picked your ideal is unfair. I can hear my dad now... who said life's going to be fair? It's not fair its a busy unpredictable world and I'm just one little ant. I guess I just have to keep following where I think God wants me to be and to keep striving to be the best I can be no matter how I'm treated.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Okay so Im in New York... and we spent the day all over the city. But the main reason Im writing while I should be sleeping is because I had to document the fact that it SNOWED here today. Not enough to stick to the ground but it was visible and I saw snowflakes one even got in my eye... anyway just had to let yall know!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

New York Jet setter!!!

Well Im off to jet set as they say! Well in a few hours Im off to New York! Im so excited i cant even tell you! I will be home in a week and cant wait to tell you all about my adventures! I will miss my friends and family but sooooo excited to spread my wings!!! Well I need some sleep so Imoutta here!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Good bye lil red focus...

So it's official... this week sucks. I got a call from my dad letting me know that my car... my cherry red focus, is scrap metal. Yes its true my lil red rocket is no more... So Kris I will be needing that eulogy! Anyway, I'm trying to make lite of the fact that this week has been the hardest I've had to deal with in a long time. A friend reminded me that its God testing me, and I agree. The problem with that is I feel weak, he jokingly suggested that I should work out... but he was right in a twisted way. I do need to work out spiritually, I have handled more then this before and I can handle it but i haven't been reading the Word much this week... bad I know. I know that God is going to test me and stretch me but it's how well I have prepared for that time that helps me get through it, and I must admit that I am poorly armed for this weeks tests... My bad, there's no one else to blame... My car isn't the only thing that is going on but it all seems almost trivial now that I have realigned my focus!... oh My focus.....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My car accident...

Well for those of you who haven't heard... I was in a car accident yesterday. I lost control of my car on t the 163 on ramp and spun hopelessly out of control... I had finally stoped spinning but the problem then was I was quickly moving towards the concrete wall that was going to end my movement. I did end up hitting that wall and coming to an abrupt and scary halt. Watching that wall come closer and closer was THE scariest thing Ive ever gone through... It hit the driver side so I had what i have jokingly called my close encounter with the cement wall... I'm fine, if you were wondering... Very sore but I seem to be fine. I had to climb out of my car over the wall and through the mud to get to the police car. It was quite the scene I'm sure... My mom called at that moment, I can only imagine what was going through the cop's head when I asked him to hold my phone as it's ringing "I'm like a bird, I'd only fly away..." Oh boy what a day...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oh the blessings...

So i'm in my new place. I L.O.V.E. it... I'm creating my own way of doing things and it's so much fun. I have groceries now so I made my lunch. That use to seeem like a chore but now that its my food and my place its almost FUN! Living this close to the beach is going to be a blast this summer... I see sick days in my future...hahaha! Anyway, all this to say is God is AMAZING and has blessed me beyond anything I could have imagined!