Thursday, December 7, 2006

What an inspiration...

OK so you know how you go through life and some times you hit a "rough patch"? Well I've hit one of those so called "rough patches". It has been rocking my little world. More then I had thought... well honestly I never thought I would respond the way I have. I have always envisioned my self so much stronger then I'm turning out to be. Not to say that that's good or bad it is what it is. But a gentle man (with out his knowing) made me realize that every one has problems big and small and it's all about your attitude towards them. This gentle man has brain cancer. He has a pregnant wife and two small children. He is so full of life every time I see him. He called it his cancer an adventure. He said,"Some people go climb Everest and he battles brain cancer." What a comment. It made such an impact on my heart. So here is a bit of advice for all those who are like this gentle man and myself, going through a hard time. Think about the worst thing that could have happened to you then realize that it's happening to someone else.


Josh's Loving Wife, aka Angela Brisby said...

Very convicting. I tend to complain about the little things in my life. But some people go through big things and are still happy and even better still, they are grateful for their trials.

Gypsy Girl said...

Yea I thought what i was dealing with was huge... it is but It's not brain cancer...