Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Look I did math today!!!

1 vent iced coffe + 1 Lgr Rockstar energy drink = 1 very caffeinated Mavi!!!!! okay so mathmatically it dosnt work out but it's still true non the less! For thoes of you who new me in my younger years or even have seen me ammped up like this before you would all agree! Yeah so Ive been ampped up since about... ohhhhh.... 10:00am this morning!!! I worked out for and hour and still have all the energy in the world!!So if youe exahusted soory I took your energy... I'm going to crash sooooo hard later tonite! It will prolly be right in the middle of bible study! Ha... not so funny... anywho!!!! Okay then Im gonna go do nothing now... Yes only and hour and a half then im free!!!!

1 comment:

Josh's Loving Wife, aka Angela Brisby said...

Hey Mav,
Just wondering how you're doing...

Love, Ang