Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Working out!

You know I'm a pretty active person but for some reason I cant seem to be consistent with working out. I have access to a full fitness center through my work and even an Olympic sized, heated swimming pool and yet still I go weeks with out doing anything. Ive become more motivated these days and started using the gym again. We have personal trainers at our gym and I was cornered by one last night. She asked when I would be signing up with a trainer. My real reason is that even though we get them for a discounted price there still expensive but I gave her my excuses of well when I am more consistent with coming then maybe I will. Ha! I'd love to have a personal trainer, but not right now! So for now I think I'm just going to start going and using the gym during my lunch break. So we will see how consistent I am with my new plan!

It's funny...

It's really funny how my brain works. I sit here all day long with pretty much nothing to do and I cant think of things to write about but last night at 9 pm my brain was up and running! I wrote two blogs that really seem to be pretty meaningful and thought provoking! I guess it helps if I have a topic at hand also.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


First of all just saying men is weird all by it's self, because in order for me to be thinking about men then I must be a woman! I know I'm an adult but I just don't see myself that way most days. Most days I'm that awkward teen who hasn't got a clue who she is or who she wants to become. But I do know who I am and who I want to become... and I know what I want in a man. AS a teen I had a list, a project in a girls bible study long ,long ago. We were to wright out the type of man we wanted to marry. We were to start with the most important thing to us then work our way down. Ha! I cant believe we actually did it. I cherished it, couldn't find it to save my life today but it did something for me. It made me make a standard of who I was and who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Who I wanted to spend my life serving Christ with, who I wanted to help me raise my children with. Now childish thoughts aside I came up with some pretty good ideas for me. I remember writing ...
1. A godly man of God(he desires his own relationship with Christ)
2.Not perfect, I'm defiantly not so why should he be(besides perfection is boring)
3.Calm(as you can imagine I can be a bit ummm hyper)
4.A man who was involved in ministry in his church
5.A man who could make me laugh
6.A man I could take care of ( not a major tough guy who didn't need any help)
then we got down to preference, looks, personality the stupid stuff that was just for girl talk...
7. Tall around 6ft
8. A total white boy! I have this thing for the white boys! hahaha ;)
9.Blue eyes (there just so gorgeous!)
10. Rides a motorcycle!
All this to say Ladies if you have keep your eyes on why were here then in His perfect timing God will give you the desires of your heart. So as eager as i can get about finding the love of my life I need to remember that that's not why I was placed on this earth. I was placed here to serve Christ and to bring glory and honour to the King.


OK so I have been in the situation of needing to mack some choices for my self. I know my time at the church that I'm currently serving in is coming to an end. I haven't been growing and while the ministry with the youth group is good its not home. The youth pastor and my friend I was helping out at that church came to me with some questions for me to start thinking over. I'm sure he didn't realize what affect it was going to have but neither did I. He said I needed to think about that ministry and what i would say to the ministry board if they came to me and asked if I would become a member... I really wanted to be on the right path, my spiritual life had been falling apart(my fault for not staying close to the Lord) I wanted to hear His voice, I wanted to be close to Him again. So I began praying and reading diligently. I remembered a church that my mom and I went to for a funeral. The pastor shared the word and after my mom and I looked at each other and asked, "Why aren't we here?" Neither one of us did anything about it then but here I am looking for a place to call home to serve and grow and that story pops into my mind. So I looked it up on line and instantly fell in love. I could feel the Lord calling me there. So that Sunday I went and there were so many families that I new there.One in particular that open there's arms to me and instantly tyred to get me involved in ministry. Which I love! I'm not a sit still kind of girl(thus Gypsy Girl) I am a major multi- tasker! I love to be doing at least two things at once and I love to hit the floor running... Unless its morning then don't bother! Ha I'm so not a morning person... OK that was beside the point! So after just one visit I was hooked. I had found my home church and am so excited to see what God has in store for my life there. I am currently and inadvertently working on building the singles/young adults group. Like I said off and running! God is amazing!


I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
By E.E. Cummings
I carry your heart with me I carry it in my heart. I am never without it.Anywhere I go you go my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate, for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for you beautiful you are my world, my true. And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you, here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root, the bud of the bud, the sky of the sky of the tree called life, which grows higher then the soul can hope and the mind can hide, and this is the wonder that keeps the stars apart. I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart.
To my sister, my darling, my sweet, my true, my heart.
~I love you~

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Weather out side is frightfull...

Its so foggy and so cold and I love it! I really do love the sun but cold weather is so my favorite! On a day like this most people will wander around in a funk and blame it on the weather. They will say that its too cold or that they need the sun to feel happy, then there's me! Thus way cold day has put me in a great mood! Which is fantastic cause I am having my entire family Thanksgiving tonight. Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing. I love my family they are the funnest bunch of Mexicans you will ever meet, however there are petty fights and arguments going on that are only there to push peoples buttons. Ive tried to stay out of it but that means that I've just stayed away from them. Now I am forced to sit in a room with them this evening... well I guess we will just wait and see..

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The artist inside... is missing!

OK... so I'm learning my self how to draw...I'm excited and terrified. I'm not any good at it but then I've only been teaching myself for about half a day now! So I guess I could go a bit easier on myself. Anyway, I just want to be able to sketch my designs without them looking like stick figures or children's drawing. Cause that's all that seem to come out... But it's like my beginners learning to draw basics book says,"The ability to draw what yo see isn't some magical, intuitive talent, but a simple,logical process. If you can learn to draw a few geometric shapes-cubes, cylinders, spheres, and cones- you can learn to draw practically anything" And now re-reading that all I have to say is "crap"! I'm a creative thinker not a logical thinker! Geometric WHAT? Come on... why couldn't I have just been blessed with the gift? that would have made things much easier here! i just want my clothing sketches to look normal! But instead I'm learning about the different sizes of pencils and which eraser to use.... Life it's ever easy!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas is comming...

I'm sure I should have titled this Thanksgiving is coming... well cause its coming first but anyway my most cherished holiday is Christmas. It just seems to be the most magical time of the year. No matter what is going on in my life (up to this point anyway) December puts me in the best mood! I can only imagine what a white Christmas would do to me. Fall leading into winter is my favorite seasons. Just the thought of needing to be bundled up to go out side makes me giddy! The thought of sitting in front of a fire all snuggled up on the couch, chatting it up with friends sounds so appealing. What would be even more appealing is snuggling up with my man... but I don't have one so that will have to wait! Oh there's nothing I couldn't do during Christmas time! Oh my favorite is picking out the Christmas tree! Even though the up keep is a pain I love the way they smells. Christmas parties, decorations the eggnog! It's all so FANTASTIC! Some will un-doubtably call me a freak but like I said nothing can get me down when Christmas comes around! Christmas is MAGIC! And something specail can happen at any time! So keep your eyes and hearts open!

The writer...

The writer. Hm that seems like a good alias for me. I'm so many things to so many people and yet all I want to be is the writer, most days anyway. I love to travel and then tell others about the world around us. So many people just busy themselves through life and never stop to enjoy life. Id like to say were a generation of explorers, but really all I see are students. Not that an education is bad but when are we going to enjoy life? When were older and settled? no cause then we will have a life style that we have created that requires us to work to keep. When we are retired then? Some will but 62 isn't all that young. Some times I think If I travel and experience these things, these places and then write and tell people about them then maybe through my experiences they will be inspired to venture out. There is a world filled with people out there just waiting to meet you. To be blessed by you, to bless you! Whether it's on vacation or a missions trip you can make a difference in the world. Just don't be afraid to be a part of it. Sorry about the randomness of this blog... just thinking out loud it doesn't always make sense!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


OK so this is my first blog. I love how you publish your writings. It makes it seem so official. I feel like a real writer. In high school I wanted to be a writer. A journalist for the New York times but as we can see this is about as far as Ive gotten. I don't know if it's normal or just normal for me but I seem to have a knack for having an eclectic personality. I love a whole bunch of different things. I want to be so many things. For instance I want to be a personal assistant, a wedding coordinator, an interior designer, a personal shopper, a journalist, a photographer, a volley ball player, rock star (a little less practical but still sounds like a blast!) Is this behavior normal? Does every one else want t be 14 thousand things at once? Or is it just me? Hm my quandary...