Monday, January 15, 2007

I have a Dream...

Have you ever wanted to start a letter with I have a dream and continue on to say something profound? I have, I love writing its a passion I've had since i was a kid. For as long as I remember I have been writing short story about my barbie dolls and princess being saved by the knight on the white horse. As I get older I want my stories to mean more then just a little girls fantasy's come to life through a grown woman's writings. Not to say that children's stories aren't of any use, I actually have a few cute ideas for some. I'm just saying that i wish I had something important that I could bestow on the world. Maybe one day...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hopeful but waiting...

Here i am hopeful but waiting... that right there is the story of my life. I dont typically let things get me down... I get frustrated and angy but I try to remember that Gods in controll and theres nothing I can do to change what He has Im trying not to get super bumbed about all the set backs but it's hard. Our movin date has been pushed ack to the first of February. Well between the first and the third... The house is looking great and things are getting better but I have been so ready to be in that house for so long that every time the date gets changed I can feel this slipping away. Im not worried even though I am whining about it. I know God will do whatever He has planned but I was pretty sure this is His next step for me... I guess I just felt like i needed to vent. We had what was suposse to be a meeting turned into a viewing of the house... Helloo! ive seen the house. I wantted to discuss the paper work and store some stuff in the garage! But instead I got sorry wait for another what was it 11 to 12 days then you we can do all that!!!! GRRRRRRRRR..... *sigh* ok im better now!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Relase, release my heart crys out
let these demons out
To release would be a sin
unforgivable and deplorable
So deep inside they live within
thriving on the secresey.
Don't spill the beans don't drop that pot
don't let the cat out of the bag
they say, this is a matter for the family
my heart crys out release, release...

Monday, January 8, 2007

I want to write...

Have you ever wanted to write about something meaningful but feels so inadequate? I do all the time. I love to write and feel like I might have a gift for it. I want to use it to show the world something though. To educate or inform on things that matter as opposed to my daily ramblings of my life. I know my life matters and means something but it needs no explanation. I'm open to any ideas. I want this year to mean something more... Maybe this is just the passionate artist inside crying to get out! ha! I want to draw, take pictures and write and I want these things to show the beauty I see in this world. God created this planet and this creature to praise and worship him and I want to do that through these tools. I just don't feel adequate...

Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Davinci Code

I am a simplistic women with complicated thoughts. A walking contradiction, but who isn't! It's what makes us human. If we didn't differ then we would all be the same and that is boring... I know this isn't an original thought but that doesn't make it false! I like thinking and the more complex the thought well... the funner the process. I just saw the Davinci Code the other nite... I know what took me so long? Well my life is full and busy and there just hasn't been any time. That's beside the point, so I thought it was interesting. It made me think, I like action adventure films that have twist and turns in them. So this was entertaining for me. Before the film came out there was major hoopla about it impacting the christian community but after seeing it I really don't think the christian community had any reason to be concerned.While it was an entertaining film it wasn't convincing enough to me. The things they claimed as fact my look threatening on paper but when the actors themselves said them they came out a little obscure. All in all I have to say it was entertaining and it made me think.


Today is the day
I will try again,
Today I will rise
Though I may fall
And tears may well up
I will not brake
Though I am fragile
I am not broken.
January 2007