Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Davinci Code

I am a simplistic women with complicated thoughts. A walking contradiction, but who isn't! It's what makes us human. If we didn't differ then we would all be the same and that is boring... I know this isn't an original thought but that doesn't make it false! I like thinking and the more complex the thought well... the funner the process. I just saw the Davinci Code the other nite... I know what took me so long? Well my life is full and busy and there just hasn't been any time. That's beside the point, so I thought it was interesting. It made me think, I like action adventure films that have twist and turns in them. So this was entertaining for me. Before the film came out there was major hoopla about it impacting the christian community but after seeing it I really don't think the christian community had any reason to be concerned.While it was an entertaining film it wasn't convincing enough to me. The things they claimed as fact my look threatening on paper but when the actors themselves said them they came out a little obscure. All in all I have to say it was entertaining and it made me think.

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