Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Weather out side is frightfull...

Its so foggy and so cold and I love it! I really do love the sun but cold weather is so my favorite! On a day like this most people will wander around in a funk and blame it on the weather. They will say that its too cold or that they need the sun to feel happy, then there's me! Thus way cold day has put me in a great mood! Which is fantastic cause I am having my entire family Thanksgiving tonight. Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing. I love my family they are the funnest bunch of Mexicans you will ever meet, however there are petty fights and arguments going on that are only there to push peoples buttons. Ive tried to stay out of it but that means that I've just stayed away from them. Now I am forced to sit in a room with them this evening... well I guess we will just wait and see..


Valancy Jane said...

I've totally got "Let it snow" stuck in my head since I read the title to this post.

Gypsy Girl said...

Tee hee hee... my plan is working!!!