Tuesday, November 28, 2006


OK so I have been in the situation of needing to mack some choices for my self. I know my time at the church that I'm currently serving in is coming to an end. I haven't been growing and while the ministry with the youth group is good its not home. The youth pastor and my friend I was helping out at that church came to me with some questions for me to start thinking over. I'm sure he didn't realize what affect it was going to have but neither did I. He said I needed to think about that ministry and what i would say to the ministry board if they came to me and asked if I would become a member... I really wanted to be on the right path, my spiritual life had been falling apart(my fault for not staying close to the Lord) I wanted to hear His voice, I wanted to be close to Him again. So I began praying and reading diligently. I remembered a church that my mom and I went to for a funeral. The pastor shared the word and after my mom and I looked at each other and asked, "Why aren't we here?" Neither one of us did anything about it then but here I am looking for a place to call home to serve and grow and that story pops into my mind. So I looked it up on line and instantly fell in love. I could feel the Lord calling me there. So that Sunday I went and there were so many families that I new there.One in particular that open there's arms to me and instantly tyred to get me involved in ministry. Which I love! I'm not a sit still kind of girl(thus Gypsy Girl) I am a major multi- tasker! I love to be doing at least two things at once and I love to hit the floor running... Unless its morning then don't bother! Ha I'm so not a morning person... OK that was beside the point! So after just one visit I was hooked. I had found my home church and am so excited to see what God has in store for my life there. I am currently and inadvertently working on building the singles/young adults group. Like I said off and running! God is amazing!

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