Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Working out!

You know I'm a pretty active person but for some reason I cant seem to be consistent with working out. I have access to a full fitness center through my work and even an Olympic sized, heated swimming pool and yet still I go weeks with out doing anything. Ive become more motivated these days and started using the gym again. We have personal trainers at our gym and I was cornered by one last night. She asked when I would be signing up with a trainer. My real reason is that even though we get them for a discounted price there still expensive but I gave her my excuses of well when I am more consistent with coming then maybe I will. Ha! I'd love to have a personal trainer, but not right now! So for now I think I'm just going to start going and using the gym during my lunch break. So we will see how consistent I am with my new plan!

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